Our range of services
We plan individual lighting concepts and make sure they are brought to fruition!
For a holistic planning result, the lighting design should be included in the building planning as early as possible. The planning services are provided on the basis of the HOAI [Official Scale (of Fees for Services by Architects and Engineers)].
Over the course of the basic evaluation and pre-planning phase, fundamental desired impacts are discussed with our clients and put down on paper. By means of hand sketches, schematic sectional views and reference pictures, the desired lighting effect is first discussed and technical lighting requirements are coordinated. Use and spatial references are discussed and included, and initial considerations of materiality take place.
In the design phase, the plan is deepened. Light requirements such as beam angle and equipment are specified and summarised on the basis of a light catalogue. With the help of lighting calculations, luminance intensities are checked in accordance with workplace guidelines and hierarchies of importance as well as the distribution of light in the space are visualised in a simplified way. The defined light types are included in plans and positioned in a manner that takes the architectural references into account. Entwurfsphase wird die Planung vertieft. Leuchtenanforderungen, wie Strahlungswinkel und Bestückung, werden spezifiziert und anhand eines Leuchtenkataloges zusammengefasst. Mit Hilfe von Lichtberechnungen werden Beleuchtungsstärken gemäß Arbeitsstättenrichtlinien geprüft und Bedeutungshierarchien sowie die Lichtverteilung im Raum vereinfacht visualisiert. Die definierten Leuchtentypen werden in Pläne aufgenommen und unter Berücksichtigung der architektonischen Bezüge positioniert.
Schließlich wird das Beleuchtungskonzept in der Ausführungsplanung Finally, the lighting concept is finalised in the implementation plan. In this phase, installation and light details are coordinated, and the corresponding detailed drawings are created. The implementation plan serves as the basis for the invitation to tender and the subsequent award of contract. Ausschreibung und der anschließenden Vergabe.
In addition to the planning services provided in advance, a compliant realisation is of course no less important. Finally, good building monitoring, building support and documentation are required to ensure that the desired impact defined at the beginning is actually implemented.
For successful project completion, commissioning of all service phases is advantageous.
In special cases, however, it may be useful or necessary to commission partial services. We find a solution in such a case as well!
Artificial lighting design, as the name suggests, is essentially about lighting with the help of artificial light sources, taking into account perception criteria. Depending on the desired impact, standard lights, modified standard lights and special lights are provided for or developed.
Daylight planning is usually based on a daylight study. The knowledge gained from this can be used for urban-development-related considerations such as building distances, heights and arrangements, or can be helpful for the design of building openings such as window sizes, skylights and any necessary shading elements.
For daylight planning, partial services can be commissioned, or commissioning can be done on an hourly basis.
The bottom line is that the need for a lighting designer is a question of project requirements. One can also ask the following question:
The special thing about architectural lighting is the exactness in detail. Whereas industrially produced standard lights are designed to cover projects on a broad scale, special lights are usually precisely tailored to the needs of architecture with their lighting technology.
Unfortunately, often only standard lighting effects can be achieved with purchased standard lights. Mass-produced lights are usually limited to very few radiation characteristics. Despite the enormous variety of manufacturers and products, the lighting technology segment is very narrow. Glare often occurs, and the lights draw the eye to themselves due to their high intrinsic luminance, instead of directing it to the lighting task.
Especially in the field of architectural lighting, standard effects are often not satisfactory. The architecture should be at the fore, not the lights. Magic is only created when the distribution of brightness in the space seems natural and logical, as planned for the space.
Technically, a variety of light distributions are possible. However, the industry only sells those that are needed most often.
But it certainly matters how far a light's radiation reaches, at what point the shadow sets in and from which locations the light is no longer consciously perceived.
Such planning and development services cannot be expected from manufacturers, and even electrical planners can plan and install lights, but not develop them towards a desired result.
Conceptlicht has already developed and realised numerous special lights together with renowned light manufacturers, so that unique lighting effects could ultimately be created.
The visual experiences once again illustrate the difference between light designers and lighting designers.
Depending on the scope of the project, planning according to HOAI is not mandatory. We are happy to advise on smaller lighting tasks or private construction projects.
The consultation service is usually provided on an hourly basis, so the financial part remains transparent and fair for both sides.
The evaluation of existing lighting is also no problem for us. We document the current state with the help of photos, check the luminance intensities and luminance with the help of photometric measuring devices and critically question whether the lighting concept achieved was sensibly chosen for the building in question. Upon request, we will prepare suggestions for improvement and provide an assessment of the necessary conversion measures.
A feasibility check is sometimes required before a project or individual concepts can be launched. In addition to photometric criteria, financial factors are of course also crucial here. We examine planned or future lighting concepts and prepare a clear compilation of the advantages and disadvantages, so that the decision-making process is supported.
Modern urban-development-related concepts require holistic lighting planning on a large scale. More and more cities are increasingly addressing the issue of saving energy and avoiding light pollution. The latter is a major concern for us. Light pollution has negative effects for insects, as well as for humans and animals. Insect mortality is only the tip of the iceberg - the biological rhythm is disturbed, the night no longer serves to facilitate relaxation - the night sky is dying.
Master plans that deal sensitively with the issue of light dosage and light limitation must become the standard.
In cooperation with landscape architects and urban planners, we create master plans that take into account the essential criteria. And there’s something that’s even more important. We implement them too!
Many architects have already realised it. Good architecture goes hand in hand with good lighting. In many competitions, a proposal for a lighting concept is also explicitly required. However, the preparation of competition documents is usually very time-consuming, so the topic of lighting is only touched upon. We are happy to support you in the conceptual development and brainstorming.
Sometimes good lighting design can tip the scales!